How to Keep Attorney Clients – 3 Tips
Do you want to keep attorney clients?
Here are three surprising things you MUST focus on to keep attorney clients.
1. How you make their life easier
Don’t give them hoops to jump through to get what they need to be successful. Make the attorney’s life easier. Stress the benefits of working with you.
2. How you’ll save them time
Share the good, bad and the ugly so that they avoid the pitfalls of moving forward fast with your services. Always advise attorneys of the pros and cons of their cases so they are not surprised by their adversary. This will build loyalty and enable you to keep attorney clients.
3. Solid proof and guarantees
Brag, boast and share your successes and always offer a guarantee so that your clients feel there’s nothing to lose.
2. The ONE thing your customer remembers MOST about your services: (this will help you get and keep attorney clients and your referrals soar!): How you make them…FEEL…as part of your business. It’s truly about the experience they have with you…more than your services. Success in the hearts and minds of your clients is revealed in how you appreciate them in your interactions and overall business.
Remember the saying, “it’s not what you said or what you did, it’s how you made me feel…”
3. Three mistakes we unconsciously make that prevent you from being able to keep attorney clients:
Engage in “distracted” conversations with them
Perhaps you’re checking your calendar, your email or worse your watch instead of deeply listening and engaging with your client. Just as they can “hear” your smile, they can “hear” your distraction.
Connect with them only when you have something to sell
Staying in touch on a regular basis DURING their time with you in your programs or while consuming your products is a particularly good way to guarantee getting the next case. Share the details of a case you read about which is just like theirs – they love to be able to benchmark their own.
Congratulate them on their successes. Send a handwritten “atta boy” note.
Not have a plan for how to serve them
If you leave your clients to their own devices, you most certainly guarantee a less than satisfying experience for them. However, when you have a plan, they know that you are guiding them to the result they want. You are therefore interested in their success, not just their investment. A plan also helps you to design your business in a way that feels like you’re helping your clients to achieve a result, an outcome that changes lives – theirs and your own.
Focus on these tips to keep attorney clients, and you’ll see your billable time increase.
Chris Makell is known as the 6-figure ideas™ success mentor to the entrepreneur who wants to transform “who you are and what you do” into 6-figure success.
Chris is one the marketing experts teaching in How to Get All the Clients You Need, an all new 6 week course that is available for instant viewing. Join us by signing up at this link.