Fear and Pride can Derail You

bearFear and pride can be two emotions that rob you of peace, love, joy and happiness. Fear can cause self-doubt and a loss of confidence in the best of people. I am all about the concept of living beyond fear.

We all have fear and pride

You see, none of us is without fear. We all have it. Fear comes to us naturally. It is a mechanism that kept our ancestors from being eaten by large predators. It is what keeps us from doing obviously dangerous and foolish things.

Pride is another emotion that limits our ability to live freely. Pride can be a terrible disabler when it gets out of control. There is nothing wrong in taking pride in our work or our accomplishments. But when we let pride start dictating our actions we need to put a stop to it.

I have seen pride ruin many a person and stifle their performance, productivity and personal satisfaction.

How do fear and pride affect the chances you take?

You see, in order to live a full life we have to take chances. And sometimes when we take chances we don’t succeed. If you are full of pride, you are going to hesitate to take that chance because you are afraid of what people will think of you. What if you try something new or different and do not succeed?
In my way of thinking, you will have a new experience that you can weave into the tapestry of your life. Isn’t that what is important in life, after all? Life is to be lived to its fullest. There is a saying I often use in my speeches. “A full life is a glory to God.”

When you put aside fear and pride, you can set out each day with the attitude that you are open to new things. Opportunities suddenly appear. But those opportunities often times require taking a chance. If you let fear and pride limit you, those opportunities will go by without you grabbing onto them.

fear wordToday choose to set fear and pride aside. Act in an unexpected way. Do something you have never done before. Focus on the opportunities rather than the constraints. Spread your wings, face into the wind and fly.

Join Pat Iyer and me for an on demand 4 week long course How to Live Beyond Fear: Secrets for Legal Nurse Consultants. Register at this link. http://legalnursebusiness.com/webinars/how-to-live-beyond-fear-secrets-for-legal-nurse-consultants/ We’d love to see you shed fear and pride.

Wayne Schoeneberg Esq is an experienced trial attorney and coach related to fear.

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