Is Your Energy Getting Sucked Out of You?

radio, radio announcerI was having a conversation this week with one of my clients, and in the conversation we were discussing how much energy it takes to try to overcome the loud disempowering chatter that goes on with the “pity committee” in our heads. She and I laughed and laughed because it is so true.

The LNC pity committee

You can get into a pity committee as a legal nurse consultant. You say,

  • “It is so hard to get clients.”
  • “I have such trouble getting paid.”
  • “Attorneys don’t want to pay my rates.”

No matter what you do try to stop the chatter, change your thoughts and think of something else, it still seems to be such an energy drain.

If you know me at all you know that I am always seeing visual things to use to describe an analogy. Sometimes I wonder myself where this stuff comes from. When we were talking I related to the amount of energy it takes to keep a radio going. Yes, I said a radio going.

How the pity committee works

Imagine this:

You are having a loud racket in your head about something you want to avoid, something you are worried about. You try everything you possibly can to think of other stuff, just go to sleep and not worry, or maybe even do something else to occupy your time. It’s kind of like trying to change the station on the radio. Regardless, it seems like the noise is still running in the background. You are exhausted. All your energy is just being used up when you try to stop the chatter.

Even if you choose to turn the radio down to silent — “Oh…this is awesome,” or so it seems, the loud chatter isn’t running but for some reason you still feel wiped out. This is because the sound is off, but the radio is still running. It’s using up energy like crazy, even though you just aren’t hearing the sound any longer.

I tell you, turning off the radio and stopping the pity committee is the only way. The key to doing so is to find out exactly what is happening behind the pity committee. Stop trying to change your thoughts and go to work on changing your beliefs. When you change your beliefs, then the thoughts — your loud pity committee racket — will change automatically. THEN your energy can be used in a much more useful place.

Stop trying to change your thoughts and go to work on changing your beliefs.

Take a moment and write down all the beliefs you have around whatever you are avoiding. That is one of the first steps to getting to changing your beliefs and capturing your energy. What if you could be free of your “pity committee” for good? Life is truly amazing when you live free of the chatter that holds you back.

Belanie croppedBelanie Dishong is one of the presenters for the Kick Start Your Business course. She is Founder and CEO of Live At Choice, Live At Choice Media and the Starfisher Academy of Coaches. Belanie is an author, keynote speaker, course leader, personal coach and radio talk show host.

In 1993, Belanie introduced a proven process that leads participants to critical self-discovery, helps them transform their beliefs and leads them to the realization they can make new choices for success. This process is the basis for the training program, Beyond Circumstances Workshop, and the foundation for all Live at Choice programs.

Learn from Belanie by investing in the Kick Start Your Business course.

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