Why LNC Businesses Challenges are a Piece of Cake
Are you up for LNC business challenges? Few activities are as challenging and exhilarating as starting and running your own company. If done correctly, being an entrepreneur can be financially rewarding while giving you job flexibility and job security. And, where is job security today? The best way to predict the future is to create your own.
Today, for example Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft is worth $76 billion; Michael Bloomberg founder of the news organization that carries his name is worth $33 billion, and Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook is worth over $28 billion.
Do I think your LNC business will be ever worth a billion dollars? Not likely, but you can create a successful LNC business and overcome LNC business challenges.
Skills you bring to a business
Fortunately, as a nurse, you have important skills needed for LNC business challenges.
1. You are organized. You have learned to set up your personal space and keep data in an organized way.
2. You are systematic. You know that you can follow processes to reach results.
3. You are analytical. When faced with a clinical situation, you know you need to pull it apart and evaluate the data. This is what we do as LNCs.
4. You’ve also developed your instincts. Clinical instinct kicks in when you know something is not right with a patient. Business instinct kicks in when we see warning or opportunity signs.
5. You are familiar with medical records. Your educational and work experience has exposed you to a variety of records.
6. You are an educator. Teaching attorneys is not that much different from teaching patients.
7. You are a good listener. You know how to talk to people to get answers and probe for details.
8. You understand customer service and the importance of satisfying the person who is paying.
9. You know how to deal with angry people. Angry attorneys are not that different from angry doctors, patients, families or administrators.
10. You know how to get along with a huge variety of people. You’ve come in contact with people from different cultures, economic and intelligence levels. You’ve learned about any aspects of life because you talk to people about their lifestyles, jobs, fears, and family dynamics.
When do LNC business challenges occur?
Often. Being an entrepreneur is not easy.
You can be a successful entrepreneur, and you only have to work half-days; it does not matter which 12 hours you pick.
LNC business challenges may present at any time.
Being a legal nurse consultant has the potential to provide enough income for you to be financially independent. What does it take to be successful?
The successful LNC must have a working knowledge of a wide range of topics including marketing, accounting, finance, and legal issues. Mastering this volume of information requires two things: 1) knowing where to get helpful, unbiased information and 2) deciding if you have the desire to act based on that information.
Many would-be LNCs get sidetracked by convincing themselves that they do not have enough start-up capital. But actually, getting the money is easy; getting the right/profitable idea is difficult.

Dr. Gary Lynn