What do I need to know about the financial aspects of running my LNC business?

A steady flow of cash is wonderful but does not happen without a strong financial system in place. Do you have questions about billing, collections, cash flow, profit, and smart money management? They all lead to a successful LNC business. Get answers here.

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Get your invoices paid! Are you looking for tips to make your invoicing procedure as smooth and effective as possible?

Our special free report "How To Get Your LNC Invoices Paid Every Time" is a valuable resource for Legal Nurse Consultants who are looking to navigate the invoicing process with confidence.

From preselecting clients to implementing effective strategies such as initial retainers and replenishing retainers, the report provides 10 practical tips to streamline the invoicing process and ensure timely payments.

It also covers important aspects like Managing Cash Flow, Spotting Potential Payment Issues, and Communicating the Value of your LNC Services.

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Blog Posts

"What Do You Charge" Pay Iyer LNC

Confidently Answer the Question “What Do You Charge”

“What do you charge?”  The first time you are asked this question about your LNC fees, you can be caught off guard. One of the first principles is to be very clear when working with an attorney regarding fee agreements.

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LNC Invoicing Tips to Get You Paid Sooner than Later

LNC Invoicing Tips to Get You Paid Sooner than Later

The invoicing tips in this post provide you with the best ways to collect your fees. Grab your note-taking device of choice.

How Much Should You Bill?
The LNC emailed me to ask for advice. She was reviewing her first case as an expert witness for the defense...

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LNC Business Growth Mistakes

LNC Business Growth Mistakes

Benjamin Franklin once said, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.”

With all the moving parts of a business to look after, it’s no wonder that some things fall through the cracks, thus affecting your business growth and bottom line profits. So let’s examine five mistakes ...

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The knowledge that you share with other LNCs is very much worth the investment in order to grow as a professional, to minimize errors in practice and to build a sound LNC business practice. I believe that professional growth comes when one learns what others already know and uses his or her own creativity rather than wastes the time reinventing the wheel.

Nellie Kreimer

New York, New York

Ways to learn

LNC Subcontracting: How To Boost Your Business

Whether you're a new LNC looking for experience or a busy LNC with a growing business, LNC Subcontracting: How to Boost Your Business by Pat Iyer will answer your most urgent questions about subcontracting.

Going beyond her extensive experience in this field, Pat interviewed both subcontractors and independent contractors. You'll read their personal, insiders' perspectives on the benefits and drawbacks of subcontracting in this valuable book.

Move Your Business to Higher Profit with No Additional Cost

Discover Effective Cash Management Strategies from a Certified Financial Planner
What can a certified financial planner teach you about cash management?
This video training provides invaluable insights and practical tools that can help improve your business's profitability without incurring additional expenses. Learn how to optimize your financial management and achieve growth.

Painless Billing and Collections for LNCs

Learn how to get paid and succeed as a legal nurse consultant in Painless Billing and Collections for LNCs by Pat Iyer. Discover essential tips in this book for running a profitable business, spotting potential issues, and ensuring your cash flows are in the right direction.

6 Strategies to Achieve Financial Success in Business

Get this video training to gain the knowledge and strategies you need to overcome critical financial issues. Join us as we introduce the 6 Strategies to Achieve Financial Success in Business.

3 Biggest Myths about Wealth Building

Explore the 3 Biggest Myths about Wealth Building, break free from limiting beliefs, and discover the secrets to true wealth with Secret Wealth Strategies of the New Rich in this video training.

How to Quickly and Efficiently Locate Experts: The FINDS Way

Welcome to the How to Quickly and Efficiently Locate Experts: The FINDS Way. In this course, you will learn essential skills and strategies to efficiently find expert witnesses for your attorney clients, helping you boost your business income.