What can you teach me about landing a case and closing the sale?
You get a call from a client or prospect about a new case. As the conversation continues, you think, “I really want to get this case!” What can you say to increase your chances of landing that case? Use the resources in this section to increase your skill in closing the sale.
Click one of the menu items below to quickly learn more.
47 ways to get the case into the door
- Do you want to get more cases from attorneys?
- Would you like to know the specific words to say to get the attorney to hire you?
- Would you like to find out exactly what to do to bring in the case?

How to Ask the Right Questions & Gain a New Attorney Client
An attorney comes up to your booth when you are exhibiting at an attorney conference and asks, “So, what do you guys do?” When you’re having a conversation with a potential attorney client, you need to guide the attorney to ask the right questions.
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The Real Way to Sell High-Priced LNC Services
Want to know what keeps a lot of legal nurse consultants from charging what they’re really worth for their LNC services?
It’s that all-too-common belief that “I am not a salesperson.” Combine that with a healthy dose of “It’s rude to discuss money,”...
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The Commitment Principle: How to Get Attorneys to Say Yes
How do you get attorneys to purchase your legal nurse consulting services? I get asked this question all the time. The key is to activate the commitment principle.
Consider a principle called commitment, a way of using leverage. This is a persuasion principle you can use to close a sales deal.
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Sales Skills for LNCs
Developing sales skills for LNCs is a process and sometimes, that is difficult. We sometimes associate sales with sleazy behavior. Through the use of our videos and workbook, you’ll confidently walk through the process of creating your own sales system that is authentic and comfortable to you.
LNC Sales Skills
Whether you're a beginner or an experienced LNC, the LNC Sales Skills Bundle is a game-changer. It provides valuable insights and strategies that can boost your success and help you attract more clients.
Get More Clients By Marketing
The Get More Clients By Marketing Bundle includes three books: Networking for LNCs, Powerful Emails: How to Capture Your Client’s Attention, and How to Get More Clients: Marketing Secrets for LNCs. This bundle offers valuable resources for LNCs aiming to build a robust business and tackle specific challenges.
Sell with Confidence
Presenting Sell with Confidence: Selling Techniques for the Non-salesperson, a transformative one-hour online masterclass that will revolutionize your approach to selling.