Thank you for your invaluable assistance in working on this file. We are pleased to tell you that the jury awarded $17 million including $12 million for pain and suffering after our client suffered devastating injuries. Your testimony vividly helped the jury understand the depth of our client’s suffering. Perhaps more importantly, with over 2500 pages of medical records, your report was the best quick reference guide we could have had. We used it again and again, both in preparation for trial and during trial.
I am particularly grateful for your help in locating a key piece of medical documentation with only 15 minutes before we had to cross examine the opposing expert. Your detailed description led us to the key record we needed to refute his claim. We are very pleased with the verdict and your help with this complex case.
William Greenberg, Esq.
Lawrence Minasian, Esq.
Greenberg Minasian, LLC
It has been a pleasure and a rare privilege to have had the opportunity to utilize the services of Pat Iyer and Med League for 15 years in securing the finest medical and nursing experts I have ever worked with in the defense of medical professional malpractice cases involving significant liability issues and potentially catastrophic financial exposure to our clients.
The professionals at Med League have in every instance provided us with truly outstanding experts in over 22 cases, and they have always done so in a prompt and cost-effective manner with the result that our clients have either won defense verdicts or were able to achieve very favorable settlements. We would not consider utilizing any other expert witness resource in such cases.
R. Clay Ratterree Esq, Ellis, Painter, Ratterree and Adams LLP, Savannah, GA, Defense Attorney
Whenever I need an expert for my hospital or nurse cases, I know Pat is there to help. We’ve worked on cases together (and against each other a few times) and we’ve given presentations together. Pat’s not only professional and knowledgeable, but nice to work with, too.
Ray Fleming Esq, Sachs Maitlin Fleming and Greene, West Orange, NJ, Defense Attorney
Thank you for your outstanding work on this case. Although the case settled, I can tell you that, in part, because of your fine efforts, we were able to achieve one of the highest settlements for pain and suffering in malpractice history in this state. I look forward to working with you again in the future.
Samuel L. Davis Esq., Davis, Saperstein & Salomon, P.C., Teaneck, NJ, Plaintiff Attorney
As a personal injury attorney, one of the most difficult challenges I face is communicating to a jury the agony a patient goes through during an extended hospitalization. I find most clients cannot describe adequately what they endured during a stormy hospitalization. Moreover, there is something unseemly about having plaintiffs testify at length regarding every unpleasant experience they had during their hospitalizations. Your reports and testimony provide an excellent summary of the course of treatment and the torments a patient must bear during that treatment.
As you know, I have successfully applied to the court to have you testify as a witness under Rule 1006 (summaries). I have been pleased with your organization and straightforward presentations. I recommend your services without reservation. Indeed, I know of no better way to educate a jury about the suffering that people experience during the course of an extended hospitalization or illness.
Roy J. Konray Esq,Tobin, Reitman, Greenstein, Caruso, Wiener, Konray and Kessler, Clark, NJ, Plaintiff Attorney
As a plaintiff’s attorney, the two biggest obstacles I face in prosecuting medical malpractice and complex personal injury cases is the cost of expert witness testimonies and demonstrating the severity of the injuries suffered by the plaintiff. I am writing this letter to tell you how impressed I am with the results of the medical summaries you have prepared for me and how they have helped me procure extremely favorable results for my clients.
Even before trial, your comprehensive pain and suffering reports assist all of my experts to quickly and completely review all of the relevant medical treatment and injuries concerning the plaintiff. The dollar savings in having an expert review a concise written summary instead of voluminous medical records prior to deposition and Trial cannot be overstated. Not only do your summaries save valuable expert review time, but they make certain that all my experts are familiar with all of the medical facts of the case. By preparing the summary in chronological order by provider and type of treatment and/or injury, experts testify confidently and correctly about the facts in the case.
In addition, Federal Rules of Evidence 1006 allows for summaries of voluminous medical records. Your ability to testify and present medical summaries greatly assists my ability to present to the jury the complexity and severity of the injuries suffered by plaintiffs. Without such testimony and supporting charts, the impact on the jury and compensation for my clients would be greatly reduced.
Once again, I thank you for your continuing and able assistance in preparing effective medical summaries of the treatment and injuries suffered by my clients.
Armand Leone, Jr., M.D., J.D., Britcher, Leone and Roth, Glen Rock, NJ, Plaintiff Attorney.
Pat is brilliant and generous with her time and her advice.
James Vernile Esq, James Vernile and Associates, Philadelphia
I wanted to thank you, once again, with regard to the excellent work that you did in this case in support of our client. Your evaluation of his medical records and presentation of a very compelling report was, we believe, instrumental in our receiving the full policy limit settlement of $6,000,000. Defense counsel did comment, prior to settlement, that they found your report to be an impressive summary of the medical evidence in the case and description of the pain Mr. * endured following the incident and during the course of this treatment. Once again, we wish to thank you and your staff for your assistance in this matter.
Kenneth Fulginiti Esq, Duffy + Partners, Philadelphia, PA, Plaintiff Attorne
Dear Ms. Iyer,
Please be advised that our office has been successful in settling this case on behalf of ___.
My office and I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all the assistance you rendered in this matter whether it was via telephone conference, rendering of reports, etc. Your involvement in this case was significant in bringing this matter to a close. Once again, thank you.
Tyrone F. Sergio Esq, Stephen S. Weinstein
A Professional Corporation, Morristown, NJ
Dear Ms. Iyer,
I am very pleased to report that we have successfully settled the above captioned action. Accordingly, we will not be proceeding with the trial and therefore, it will not be necessary for you to provide your expert testimony. Please know that your expert report was very helpful in convincing the Defendants to substantially increase their settlement offer.
George Farneth II, Zimmer Kunz, Pittsburgh, PA
On behalf of my client and myself, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all of your cooperation and professionalism in assisting us with this case that has been successfully resolved. It is due to your efforts and cooperation that provided me the ability to be adequately prepared to take this matter to trial. On behalf of my client and myself, I would like to thank you for all you have done. I look forward to working with you in the future.
Marc C. Saperstein Esq, Davis, Saperstein and Salomon, Teaneck, NJ, PLaintiff Attorney
I want to thank you for the work put into the report in this matter. Mr. ________ had thousands and thousands of pages of medical records, and treatment that started from the day of the incident, and lasted to the date of the settlement (a period of over five years). Your summary and synopsis of his medical care painted a clear and accurate picture that not only would have saved a great deal of time in the courtroom by calling one witness instead of ten, but also would have allowed the jury to hear the impressive treatment timeline that has been Mr. ________’s life in a professional, yet easily understandable, format. Thank you again.
Ken Fulginiti Esq., Duffy + Partners, Philadelphia, PA, Plaintiff Attorney
I wanted to send you a note to thank you for your efforts in the above matter. I was quite impressed with your high level of preparedness, and also with your very good communication skills with the jury.
Michael Barrett Esq, Wilentz, Goldman and Spitzer, Woodbridge, NJ, Plaintiff Attorney
The exhibits you provided charting her intramuscular injections, from her admission date through her discharge date, with the medication key chart were extremely helpful. Your reading of the pain medication chart, and transplanting those readings into dates, times and locations of the intramuscular injections, and transposing them into a female anatomy was equally impressive. (The Suffolk County case settled on the fourth day of trial for $625,000.)
Louis Solimano Esq, Law Offices of William Gallina, New York, Plaintiff Attorney
Your demeanor and professionalism surely came through to the jury to such an extent that I do not believe defense counsel had any basis to challenge the testimony you were there to offer. The exhibits you prepared were most useful during your trial testimony and we were able to refer to these exhibits at various other times during the trial through other witnesses. When you arrived with eight loose leaf binders indexed and coded, it became clear that the fees we paid for your preparation of this case were well justified by all the time it obviously took to organize and review these materials.
Alan Zibelman Esq., Philadelphia, PA, PLaintiff Attorney
Your liability report and pre-deposition pointers were the keys to my client's case against the hospital nurses, and your medical research greatly enhanced my understanding of the techniques and complications associated with the unusual surgical procedure employed in this particular case. For these reasons alone, your organization should surely rate five stars in any attorney's book.
Patrick X. Amoresano Esq, Glen Rock, NJ, PLaintiff Attorney New Jersey Medical Malpractice Attorney
I am happy to have an opportunity to thank you for the pain and suffering summaries that you have prepared for me. As a busy trial attorney, I find that the summaries serve many purposes. They provide essential details of the injuries sustained by the plaintiff. This reduces the amount of time spent in preparation for trial and in chambers. They convey the overview and the essence of the experiences the plaintiff suffered as a result of the injuries.
I believe that your nursing background makes you more appropriate than a physician to create these types of summaries. It would be difficult and cost prohibitive to ask a physician to wade through volumes of medical records. In my experience, physicians are often uncomfortable when confronted with pain. They often react as if they, the doctors, had failed in some way. A nurse is more attuned and sensitive to the information that describes a patient’s pain. As part of the role as patient educators, a nurse can make a comfortable, easy to guide witness to explain to the jury the patient’s pain and suffering.
Samuel L. Davis Esq, Davis, Saperstein & Salomon, P.C., Teaneck, NJ, PLaintiff Attorney
I want to take this opportunity to thank you for the assistance you furnished me in my recent medical malpractice case. The charts and medical illustrations created by your staff were excellent and I am sure contributed to a very favorable settlement.
In addition, your medical summary and timeline helped me enormously to understand the many medical problems generated by the facts of the case.
I heartily recommend your services to anyone who seeks to comprehend the complexities of a medical malpractice case and utilize your creativity in helping to organize the material and develop outstanding demonstrative evidence. I would not hesitate to call upon your services in the future.
Marvin Pincus Esq, LaBovick Law Firm, West Palm Beach, FL, Plaintiff Attorney
As you may recall, Mr. _____'s medical records were submitted to your company to be organized. I had forwarded down to you, one large box of medical records, in no specific order and received back, two separate binders of well organized medical records in chronological order. Not only did your service provide great assistance in trial preparation, but also seemed to impress my adversaries during a settlement conference with the Court. The case was soon resolved for a very favorable settlement for our client.
Steven C. Schepis Esq, Fiedler & Schepis, Pinebrook, NJ, PLaintiff Attorney
It was a pleasure working with you on the ______ trial. The exhibits you provided chartering her intramuscular injections, from her admission date through her discharge date, with the medical key chart, as well as the different colors on the calendar, indicating the days she was on Heparin and Coumadin, were extremely helpful.
In addition, your reading of the pain medical chart, and transplanting those readings into dates, times and locations of the intramuscular injections, and transporting them into a female anatomy was equally impressive.
Lastly, the timetable that you created for the critical period of time when the malpractice occurred made my cross-examination of the defendants and easier task.
Louis G. Solimano Esq, Law Office of William A. Gallina, New York, Plaintiff Attorney
Video Testimonials
Pat Boguslawski

Attorney Testimonial for Med League Support Services by Paul Garfield

Attorney Testimonial for Med League Support Services by Art Russo

Med League Testimonial