Referral Source Marketing
In the last blog post I talked about database marketing. The second kind of marketing is Referral Source Marketing.
This means that Referral Source Marketing is communicating with all those individuals, companies or groups that directly market to your target market. They are complementary businesses to yours or big fans of yours that will be most likely to refer business to you.
Go through your database and build a big list of these people, companies or groups that you can market to. You may want to do a Google search by industry or type of business or person to find or connect with more individuals or companies to add to that list and market to.
The marketing messages that you’ll send to Referral Sources will be slightly different than the ones you send to your regular database of prospects and contacts. They will be a lot different than the ones you send to new businesses.
Referral Source Marketing
Also use these techniques plus:
- Invite referral sources to be guest on your teleclasses, radio or TV show, or speak at your events (and offer to do the same for them)
- Invite referral sources to use your articles or content in their email newsletters, blogs or websites (and offer to do the same)
- Build an automated online referral program (typically called an Affiliate Program) that can track referrals
- Send referral sources prewritten email or web copy or mailed materials they can send out to promote your products, services, events or classes. (Make sure you have a tracking system in place of course to reward the ones who send you business)
- Connect with them on social media, letting them know online when something comes up they can promote, comment on or share with their followers
Read about new business marketing at this link.
(c) Copyright 2014 K. Sawa Marketing international Inc.

Katrina Sawa