How will 2019 Affect Legal Nurse Consulting?

On December 5-6, 2018, I participated in a 2-day conference for C-Suite executives and their C-Suite Network Advisors. Here's what I learned that will impact marketing and managing your legal nurse consulting practice in 2019.
Use of stories
You'll see more advertising that tells a story rather than lists the facts about a product or service. People crave stories. Consider how you can tell stories about how you helped attorneys - rather than simply list your services.
Take risks
Innovate. Experiment. Be bold. You can't be risk averse if you want to connect with your audience. You need to take risks in your marketing. When you are clear about what type of attorneys you want to reach your marketing will fall in place.
Collect data about your legal nurse consulting practice
If you don't collect data about your legal nurse consulting practice, you could be out of business. Some of the parameters you should be tracking:
- Followers on social media
- Top clients
- Revenue per client
- Clients who don't return after one case
Content formats
Use several formats to create content to reach attorneys. Write blogs, create videos, post on social media. Be authentic and unique. Users expect content to be tailored to their needs. Keep your content updated and fresh.
Keep your legal nurse consulting website simple. Drill down on a topic and tell a story that your reader likes so much that he tells another person.
Your brand
Attorneys will research you before doing business with you. Make sure your social media profiles (especially on LinkedIn) are sterling. Keep in mind that your website could be the least visited place attorneys go to find out more about you.
Attorneys will make judgments about your brand. Twenty percent of their perception of your brand is what you say about yourself. Eighty percent is about their experience with you and how you deliver your services.
Great marketing will fail if you can't deliver quality legal nurse consulting work.
Customer service
In the long run quality is always rewarded. Service your clients and you'll never be penalized.
The digital age has increased your clients' expectations that they will get instantaneous responses and reactions to their requests.
Take the friction out of your processes - make your business operations as smooth as possible for your clients.
Think before you email a response to a person. Ask, "Do I even want to respond electronically or is a dialogue better?"
Survey your customers and look for opportunities in their responses that will give you ideas for getting more of their business.
Your first idea about how to solve a problem in your business is not necessarily your best idea. (And don't make decisions when you are sleep deprived.) Be sure to ACT on your ideas. An idea, however brilliant, without implementation is AIR.
Learn from your mistakes - be receptive to new ideas. Don't think you know it all. You can't do this business alone. Being in business is a team sport. Ask for help. Set up an appointment with me at to see how we can work together to make 2019 the best year for you and your legal nurse consulting practice yet.