How to market inexpensively
Who does not want to market inexpensively?
Marketing is a very misunderstood word and often gets confused with sales.
Marketing makes people aware of who you are and what product or service you have to offer. A sale happens when you close the deal.
One usually depends upon the other, but in many large companies they are separate functions. As Legal nurse consultants are small business owners who wear both hats and need to know how to market inexpensively.
LNC Businesses Must Know How to Market Inexpensively
Many organizations have sizable budgets for marketing and you see their ads everywhere—on radio or TV, in the paper, online, through direct mail and just about any other type of media you can think of. Unfortunately many small businesses can’t afford most of those methods and have to rely on creativity and original thinking. And if you’re a solopreneur, it’s even more challenging.
Because you are your own chief cook and bottle washer, you very often forget about the things you need to do to keep yourself visible. The techniques we talk about in the Marketing on a Shoestring Budget webinar are things every single business owner can do.
None of them cost over $100 and many are free. They’re easy to implement and don’t take a lot of skill – just a lot of persistence.
So why doesn’t everyone market inexpensively? One reason is they just don’t know how, and the other is most people don’t want to take the time to put these various steps into effect.
Marketing is not so much time-consuming as it is repetitive. Marketing must be done over and over on a schedule or it won’t be effective.
Of course there are things that come up unexpectedly that you must take advantage of, but basically if you set up a marketing plan and stick to it, you will get results.
But you must also be prepared that nothing might happen. If I send out 30 press releases and 3 are picked up, it is a great day. It also takes time to build up a following, and become a resource that people call on for opinions and advice. And when you do, the flood gates open and magical things happen. Be prepared! Market inexpensively.
Gayle Carson has a Doctorate in Education and is a CSP (Certified Speaking Professional) and a CMC (Certified Management Consultant). She has been a business owner for over 5 decades and has used these methodologies to build them. She built her first business from 1 location to 7 with 350 people. She built her second business to over 1000 clients in 50 industries in 50 countries and 49 states. She continues to use these skills. Gain from Gayle’s knowledge by watching the digital download of Gayle’s popular Marketing on a Shoestring Budget webinar. This is a webinar for legal nurse consultants and attorneys.