How do I create sample reports?
An attorney asks you for examples of what you’ve done. You’ve never worked on a case and have nothing to show. The resources in this section help you develop your sample reports so you can be proud to show what you’ve done. Be sure to check out Report Writing Mastery, our on demand course.
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Your LNC Report’s Appearance
Your LNC report’s appearance is critical to providing what your client needs.
Let’s look at how you can successfully create and present your LNC report.
Join me in an aspect of macroscopic editing: finetuning the overall look of the work product.
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LNC Sample Reports: A Key Tool for Learning and Sales
How can you take advantage of sample reports to boost your expertise and enhance your reputation?
As LNCs, we play an invaluable role in the legal industry, offering expert opinions and insights regarding medical issues related to legal cases. With extensive medical terminology knowledge and procedural know-how at hand, we provide expert witness testimony and behind-the-scenes consulting.
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Four Steps to Create an LNC Sample Work Product Part 1
As a Legal Nurse Consultant (LNC), it’s important that you show potential clients or employers samples of your work product. LNC sample work product includes medical chronologies, medical summaries, timelines, calendars, and other written reports.
Work product samples are particularly important for new LNCs, because attorneys want to know if you’re capable of analyzing medical records and producing coherent reports that address case issues
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Power Up Your Reports
In this video training, you’ll gain insights into legal nurse consulting reports. You’ll learn to make your reports compelling. Furthermore, you’ll discover how to make them highly persuasive. Order your download of Power Up Your Reports.
Sample Reports Bundle
From the Sample Reports Bundle, uncover effective writing secrets with the book 52 Writing Tips. It offers comprehensive guidance and skill enhancement. Next, the book Painless Editing and Proofreading teaches objective work evaluation. Lastly, the video From Bland to Wow: Crafting Personal Injury Reports helps craft persuasive reports.
Report Writing Mastery
Report Writing Mastery is a proven specific step by step process of creating sample reports to use in your marketing to attorneys. Attorneys function in a field in which the right words can make a difference between winning or losing a case. Your success as a legal nurse consultant will depend on how well you analyze cases and write reports.
The program consists of 4 recorded sessions and step-by-step videos to guide you through the process of writing great reports.
Medical Record Analysis Bundle
Medical records, filled with abbreviations and technical terms, can seem like an indecipherable code.
With this pair of books, Medical Record Analysis Volumes 1 and 2, you will have access to the collective analytical skills of LNCs specializing in a range of experiences—including breaches of standards of care that don’t always show up in the medical records.
Digging for Gold in the Chronology
Digging for Gold in the Chronology, video training, led by Mary Beth Kerstein, a seasoned LNC with specialized certifications, equips you with the skills needed to sift through complex medical data efficiently.