How can I learn more about personal injury cases?

Personal injury cases make up the majority of plaintiff attorneys’ caseloads. How can you expand your skills in working on these cases? Check out our valuable training below.

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9 ways to make yourself invaluable to personal injury attorneys There are far more personal injury cases than medical malpractice ones, and yet LNCs often aren’t clear on how they can help with this type of case.

Your work product can go far beyond chronologies. Here’s how to make the argument that you can contribute a lot towards working up and settling personal injury cases.

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Blog Posts

deadly driving distractions may have caused this car crash

How to Help an Attorney Handle a Personal Injury Case: Part 1

There is a substantial number of attorneys who litigate personal injury cases who need your help. I see many LNCs marketing exclusively to medical malpractice attorneys, overlooking an even larger pool of attorneys who represent plaintiffs or defendants in personal injury cases.

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car crashed with frontal damage

How to Help an Attorney Handle a Personal Injury Case: Part 2

Glenn Treeline (not his real name) sat in a truck next to the side of a road taking a break from driving. A driver hit the back of Glenn’s truck, throwing him through the windshield. The rescue squad responding to the scene found Glenn was bleeding from his head injuries and felt dazed. The squad focused on managing the trauma patient.

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Personal Injury Medical Records – What to Look For

Physician office records may hold the keys for analyzing personal injury cases. These personal injury medical records can make or break a plaintiff’s case. It is crucial that you as the legal nurse consultant are able to read and decipher these records in a personal injury case.

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Pat Iyer has captured the essence of entrepreneurship and examined the steps that define who we are as legal nurse consultants and how we must forge our internal beliefs and fears into confidence and strength to build a successful consulting business.

Denise Sexton, RN, BSN, CLNC, Phoenix CLNC Services, LLC 

Ways to learn

Personal Injury Bundle

As a legal nurse consultant, you face unique challenges when working on personal injury cases.

To equip you with the necessary expertise and skills, we present the Personal Injury Bundle, a comprehensive package consisting of 3 video trainings.

  • Deciphering Orthopaedic Injuries: Unlocking The Secrets Of Trauma Cases
  • Visualizing The Case: Simplifying Medical Complexities
  • Crash Course In Mechanisms Of Injury In Mvas

Presenting the Burn Case in a Powerful Way

In this comprehensive video training about Presenting Burn Cases the Powerful Way, you will see how a skilled plaintiff attorney assembles the details of a burn case with the help of an LNC. You'll be pulled into the story of a man who was catastrophically burned in an electrical fire.

Drinking, Drugging, and Driving = Disaster

Ready to explore the link between rising drug and alcohol use, DUI/marijuana decriminalization, and motor vehicle accidents? Meet legal nurse consultants (LNCs) who provide vital assistance on Drinking, Drugging, and Driving = Disaster cases in this video training.

Discover Critical Issues in Critical Care

Are you an LNC looking to enhance your skills and make a significant impact in complex medical cases? Get ready to discover the Critical Issues in Critical Care in this video training with Kenyetta Christmas.

Crash: The Anatomy of a Car Wreck

Explore personal injury cases with Crash: The Anatomy of a Car Wreck video training. Gain invaluable insights from top attorneys as they show how they'd approach a case.