How can I learn more about medical malpractice cases?
The specialized knowledge you have as a nurse is perfect for helping attorneys understand how to handle these often complex cases. Use our resources to learn more about how to most effectively help attorneys with medical malpractice cases.
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Want pearls of wisdom from Legal Nurse Podcast?

Is it Medical Malpractice or Just a Bad Outcome?
I’m sitting on my hotel bed reading my friend’s medical records. It is the night before her appointment with a second opinion cataract surgeon at Wills Eye, a Philadelphia hospital that specializes only in eye disorders. As she paces nervously around the room, she says, “I know he screwed up my surgery. Do I have a medical malpractice case?”
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Screening a Medication Error Case for Medical Malpractice
A legal nurse consultant may screen a medication error case for merit. The LNC recognizes that is often easiest to screen a case by starting with the damages. What happened as a result of the alleged medication error? Permanent, severe damages have the highest potential for providing compensation, assuming that liability and causation can be established.
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Medical Errors and Patient Centered Care
As a legal nurse consultant, you see medical errors from the perspective of what has already happened. Not listening to the concerns of staff nurses may have played a part in the events leading up to the medical error.
Medical Errors and Patient Centered Care
“That will never work”, the staff nurse says to her colleague..
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Medical Malpractice Bundle
Attorneys commonly call on LNCs to help them with medical malpractice cases. With the resources in the Medical Malpractice Bundle, you'll gain greater skill in analyzing malpractice cases.
Complications with Spine Surgery
This video training is for Legal Nurse Consultants. During the training, we will explore the challenges with complications with spine surgery, their financial implications, and the legal aspects.
Tales from the Hot Seat
In Tales from the Hot Seat: Mastering the Art of Expert Witness Testimony Video Training, being an expert witness and collaborating with attorneys presents its unique set of challenges. Frequently, we perceive a case in one way, while the attorney may have a different perspective on it.
Unraveling a Twisted Tale
Unraveling a Twisted Tale is a video training that reveals the truth behind a total shoulder arthroplasty gone wrong. It helps you understand the difficulties that can arise during this medical procedure.
Falls Course: The Impact of Acute Head Injury
Introducing Falls Course: The Impact of Acute Head Injury. Falls are one of the most common reasons for lawsuits, both in the community and within healthcare facilities. As a legal nurse consultant, your expertise in understanding the medical issues surrounding acute head injuries is crucial for attorneys seeking justice for their clients.
Analyzing Falls, IV Therapy and Pressure Sore Cases
Are you a legal nurse consultant seeking comprehensive guidance on analyzing falls, pressure sore, and IV therapy cases?
Analyzing Falls, IV Therapy and Pressure Sore Cases is written by Pat Iyer, an experienced expert witness, and legal nurse consultant with over three decades of practical knowledge in the field.
When the Patient Hits the Floor
When the Patient Hits the Floor video training session is designed for LNCs. Presented by an experienced defense attorney and a nursing expert witness, this session delves into the intricacies of falls cases, offering critical insights to enhance your defense strategies.
Profits Before Patient Safety
In this shocking training, you will discover how hospital leaders enabled the "Fugitive Doctor" to injure or kill hundreds of patients. Their complicity is the focus of this session.
Is it Malpractice or is it a System Error?
Understanding how errors occur in health care and distinguishing between individual malpractice and systemic errors can be challenging.
As a legal nurse consultant, you play a crucial role in educating attorneys about these distinctions, helping them to navigate complex medical cases effectively.
This training session is designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills to excel in this vital role.
Pressure Injury Case Analysis Strategies
Are you finding the complexity of typical pressure injury cases overwhelming?
You're not alone.
Pressure injury cases are indeed intricate, with extensive volumes of records and multifaceted details that can be daunting to navigate.
Getting More Cases as an Expert Fact Witness
Learn how to get more cases as an expert fact witness with our Expert Fact Witness Mastery . Discover the secrets to increasing your opportunities in legal cases and enhance your expertise.
Report Writing Mastery On Demand
Report Writing Mastery is a proven specific step by step process of creating sample reports to use in your marketing to attorneys. Attorneys function in a field in which the right words can make a difference between winning or losing a case. Your success as a legal nurse consultant will depend on how well you analyze cases and write reports.