How can I learn more about criminal cases?

The challenges of criminal cases make these ideal for LNCs who love to read thrillers and mystery novels, and to assist attorneys achieve justice. We’ve got extensive training for you in this section of the website.

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Blog Posts

pitcher holding baseballs

When Violent Sex Accusations Become Costly

When a woman accused Major League Baseball player Trevor Bauer of consensual violent sex, a Los Angeles judge denied the woman a permanent restraining order. And the L.A. County District Attorney declined to press criminal charges.
You might think that would be the end of the story. Yet after an investigation, the Los Angeles Dodgers suspended the pitcher for 324 games, the equivalent of two full seasons.

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intimate partner violence - woman holding a sign

Intimate Partner Violence: Why Do They Stay?

Intimate partner violence is about 3 words: dominance, superiority, and surveillance. The abuser feels powerful, in control, superior to his victim, and wants that person under his watchful eye.
Battered women may feel so ashamed and helpless that they hide their bruises behind their own doors. But battering is no longer the woman’s burdensome secret. The wife who is punched, slapped, pummeled, or kicked knows she is not alone.

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woman with bandaged arm

The Clinical Significance of Wound Ballistics

“Tell me about this wound, Nurse, what are your thoughts?” The attorney looks at you expectantly.
You may have heard of ballistics (the science of projectiles and firearms), but have you heard of wound ballistics? Wound ballistics is the study of injuries caused when there is a penetration of the body with projectiles ejected from a gun barrel due to the ignition of gunpowder (Shrestha, Kanchan, & Krishan, 2021).

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You send us SUCH good info every week! I always look forward to reading your Ezines and other information you email out. Thanks so much for ALL you do for us! You keep me inspired about being an LNC!

Mary Wilson, BSN, RN, PLNC, CRRN, CCM Murdock, FL

Ways to learn

Domestic Violence Video Training

Pat Iyer put together the first Legal Nurse Consulting Virtual Conference in July 2020. In this conference, she teamed up with experienced forensic nurse, Teresa Devitt-Lynch, to create a comprehensive conference on domestic violence. The Domestic Violence recordings can help you become the go-to Legal Nurse Consultant for domestic violence cases.

Sexual Assault Cases: How the LNC Shines

Get expanded knowledge on how to consult on a sexual assault case, even if you are not a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner. Acquire a greater ability to analyze and interpret sexual assault data. Gain confidence in defining the ways in which you can assist attorneys

The Path of the Bullet: A Guide to Criminal Cases

Immerse yourself in a learning adventure with our video training from conference recordings, The Path of the Bullet: A Guide to Criminal Cases. Enhance your skills, boost your caseload, connect with attorneys, and advance your career as a Legal Nurse Consultant.

Tracing the Path of a Killer Nurse

Unveiling the Truth: The Charles Cullen Case - A Riveting Video Training for Legal Nurse Consultants

Get ready for an exciting real-life story that will grab your attention! Join us in a special video training session titled Tracing the Path of a Killer Nurse. We'll discuss the Charles Cullen case with insights from two important people who were a part of it.


How to Live Beyond Fear: Secrets for Legal Nurse Consultants

Are you a Legal Nurse Consultant (LNC) looking to conquer your fears and unlock your full potential? Imagine gaining the courage to be a confident LNC and achieving remarkable success in your business. Introducing How to Live Beyond Fear: Secrets for Legal Nurse Consultants, an empowering 4-session course designed to help you overcome your fears, boost your confidence, and thrive in your LNC practice!

Get insights from a trial attorney. Use them in your LNC business to soar.

Mitigating Federal Sentencing

As an LNC, your knowledge is helpful for those in challenging legal situations. Moreover, your expertise significantly impacts securing fair outcomes for the chronically ill and vulnerable. This is crucial in mitigating federal sentencing. Watch this video training about your critical role.

How to Become a Successful LNC for Homicide Cases

How to Become a Successful LNC for Homicide Cases  is a live 3-day online conference designed for legal nurse consultants just like you.Get more criminal cases, attract the best attorney clients, position yourself as the go-to LNC, and network with your colleagues.