How can I establish and maintain strong relationships with my clients?

Repeat business and referrals show that your clients are happy with your work. How do you cultivate those relationships so they think of you first when they get in a new case? How do you deal with the occasional client who is unhappy? Get answers in these resources.

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12 Principles for Building Client Relationships A strong group of attorneys who return to you over and over with new cases and new assignments for existing cases is gold. 

Happy clients also refer you to their colleagues.

How do you build those strong relationships?

Here are 12 critical principles. Weave these into your practices to create a strong, growing business.

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Blog Posts

3 Top Customer Service Tips for LNCs

3 Top Customer Service Tips for LNCs

Have you analyzed your customer service practices recently? It’s not enough these days to have outstanding customer service. If someone is unhappy or can’t reach you with a question, they will quickly become frustrated to the point they may never return and worse, tell other attorneys about their bad experience with your LNC business.

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LNC YouTube Video Marketing

Build Business Relationships to Grow Your LNC Business

How do you build business relationships for your LNC business?
There’s a saying that goes, “It’s not who you know; it’s who knows you.” And in today’s world, being online provides an invaluable way to gain that type of visibility.
You can use your blog and social media platforms to build relationships with colleagues...

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LNC Attitude for Success

Building Strong LNC Client Relationships That Last

Let me tell you about a long lasting relationship. My husband’s friend Martin Newman worked for a venture capital business when we borrowed a million dollars to start a welding company in 1980. With an interest rate of 24% per month, that loan did not work out so well and we barely avoided having to declare bankruptcy after the business failed.

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Whether you are a seasoned LNC or just starting out on the LNC journey, the information in Pat’s books is a constant educational resource and reminder that we can be successful LNCs as professionals who want to help our attorney clients reach their goals which in turn helps them reach the goals of their clients.

Laura Cuevas RN CLNC, LEC Legal Nurse Consulting

Chowchilla, CA

Ways to learn

Solid Client Relationships Bundle

The Solid Client Relationships Bundle, comprising three books, offers critical client-development techniques. It teaches effective communication to deepen client relationships, crucial for your LNC business growth. Additionally, it equips you with negotiation secrets and conflict management techniques, boosting your confidence to handle even the toughest negotiators.

Here are the books you get in this bundle

  • How To Manage Your LNC Business Top Tips For Success
  • How To Create Lasting LNC-Client Relationships
  • Your Ideal Attorney Clients: How To Connect With Them By Speaking Their Language

How to Manage Toxic Clients for LNCs Course

Attention: Legal Nurse Consultants

As a legal nurse consultant, if you suffer from not knowing how to manage toxic attorney clients, if you dread dealing with angry trial attorneys, then this message is just for you. This video course equips you with the skills to recognize and handle difficult clients.

Taming the Bulldozers and Snipers: Handling Angry Clients

Snipers undermine your professional success. Take control of challenging conversations and establish productive relationships with the video training Taming the Bulldozers and Snipers: Handling Angry Clients

Negotiating Your Way to a Solid Client Relationship

In this video training, Greg Williams, the man who has empowered individuals worldwide with his expertise in negotiation and body language, will help you gain the skills for Negotiating Your Way to a Solid Client Relationship.

How to Handle Difficult People: Getting Control

Introducing How to Handle Difficult People: Getting Control, a high-impact video designed to equip you with the tools you need to navigate challenging interactions.