2nd LNC Success (R) Virtual Conference

Conference Replay

Enjoy the programs that made up our second online conference. Experience the joy of learning when you want, where you want. Our experienced group of speakers will educate and entertain you.

Only $279 for the entire conference

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    Kris Mew

    All the speakers were incredible!

    Day 1

    Hot Roles for LNCs

    By Mindy Cohen MSN RN LNCC, Barbara Levin BSN RN ONC CMSRN LNCC, Joe Flores Esq RN NP, and Cheryl Kaufman BSN RN CLCP CNLCP

    Get an overview of ways you can expand your LNC practice.

    What Were They Thinking? Tales of an Expert Witness

    By Laura Conklin MSN MSA RN

    An expert witness may get involved when the Board of Nursing looks at a registered nurse’s actions.

    Laura Conklin’s varied clinical experiences led her to believe she’d seen it all in acute care, but were her eyes opened when she began reviewing cases for the Board of Nursing!

    Laura analyzed several hundred cases to determine the most common allegations against nurses. She culled through her notes to find the most shocking stories, which she will share with you during this session.

    When the Pulses go Missing: Case Analysis

    By Barbara Levin BSN RN ONC CMSRN LNCC

    Alissa is a vibrant 19-year-old who enters the OR for an anterior/posterior synovectomy. Surgery is uneventful, and she receives bupivacaine post operatively. On the nursing unit afterwards, she complains of increased pain and lack of sensation and movement of her left foot.
    What happens next determines her future.

    Mock Trial

    By Barbara Levin BSN RN ONC CMSRN LNCC, Pat Iyer MSN RN LNCC and others

    The session starts with tips on how to testify presented by Pat Iyer. Next, you will see a recreation of the testimony of the 2 nurse defendants in Alissa’s case.

    You’ll be the jury as you decide on the liability, if any, of the defendants.

    Barbara Levin, Pat Iyer and volunteer attendees recreate the testimony of nurse defendants in a real case.

    Conference Replay

    Only $279 for the entire conference

    Day 2

    Profits Before Patient Safety: Disaster

    By Ken Rothfield MD MBA CPE CPPS

    Discover how hospital leaders enabled the “Fugitive Doctor” to injure or kill hundreds of patients. Their complicity is the focus of this session.

    Before fleeing to his native Pakistan in 2013, Dr. Atiq Durrani performed botched and unnecessary surgeries on hundreds of patients. Hospital administrators permitted this high-volume surgeon to maim or kill patients. This presentation outlines the incredible story, concluding with a call to action against dangerous physicians.

    Advanced Technology Tips to Make the Case

    By Jon Lomurro Esq LLM Certified Civil Trial Attorney, and Nursine Jackson MSN RN

    Attorney Jon Lomurro and LNC Nursine Jackson are friends, colleagues and collaborators. They are in the enviable position to have a common interest in a developing field that requires a significant amount of research, planning and sharing of experiences to navigate this new world. Together they present advanced technology to tell a story in a different light. This dynamic program provides examples and steps to using technology to assist the jury in painting a mental visualization of the case as they employ the paintbrush of technology. Jon and Nursine will discuss audit trails and other demonstrative work. You will get many "aha" moments!


    Janice McIntosh

    I am re-energized to put 100% into my business!

    Day 3

    Power Up Your Reports

    By Pat Iyer MSN RN LNCC

    How persuasive are you? Writing legal nurse consulting opinion reports, whether you are an expert or not, involves marshalling your facts to make a point. You may be screening a case for merit or offering your opinions in an expert report.

    • What makes your reports compelling and understandable?
    • How can you use effective writing techniques to make your points?
    • How can you use insights from psychology and writing strategies to communicate with your clients?
    • Get tips you can immediately use in this session.

    How to Land the Case: 5 Steps

    By Dave Goodall BS Electrical Engineering CPC Master Practitioner NLP Hypnotherapy and MER

    An attorney calls you about a case. Are you aware of the subtle signals you can listen for that will help the attorney see you as the right LNC?

    Do you know exactly what to say to land that case? This no-frills, practical workshop uncovers the secret technique needed to unlock your communication effectiveness. Using the tips Dave shares, you will sweep away the roadblocks that hold your business back.

    Hot Topics in Wound Care

    By Dr. Diane Krasner CWCN FAAN MAPWCA

    Are you up on the latest in wound and skin care? Have you seen the recently-released wound, skin and COVID-skin/wound guidelines, consensus documents and White Papers?

    What’s the latest from NPIAP on end-of-life pressure injuries? Dr. Diane Krasner will present current hot topics in wound and skin care in this session, including Medical Device-Related Pressure Injury, COVID skin/wounds and end-of-life pressure injury. This up-to-date information will help you build your LNC and/or expert knowledge so you can confidently tackle those challenging wound and skin cases.

    The Realities of the Virtual World: How to Thrive

    By David Cohen Esq Certified Civil Trial Attorney

    How do you get clients without ever leaving your house? And once you have them, how do you run your LNC practice without a filing cabinet? While David Cohen’s colleagues drive half the day to get a new client, David can successfully sign up new clients without leaving his home.

    In this session, you’ll get a broad brush on the new virtual world of law, and how you as the LNC fit in. Phone interviews about cases, virtual depositions, and paperless systems? No problem. Get tips and strategies you can use during the next call from a prospect or client.


    You're in great hands with Pat Iyer and Barbara Levin. They are the most experienced LNC conference producers in the world. Pat is the leading provider of LNC business training.

    Conference Replay

    Only $279 for the entire conference