7 Tips for Connecting With Your Clients
Have you ever picked up the phone for the purpose of connecting with your clients, just to say, “Hi, I just wanted to see how you were doing” and not try to sell them something? Here’s how to use reasons for connecting with your clients to deepen your relationship. 1. Call when you see a…
Read MoreHow to Create Great Client Relationships: 5 Tips
What results in great client relationships – attorneys returning over and over with cases? How many of these techniques do you use? Create a great work product A high quality, carefully proofread and accurate document results in return business. You have to give a great work product or your attorney clients are going to look…
Read MoreAngry Attorneys: How to Decrease the Fire
When you are confronted by an angry attorney, are you really listening? Active listening with an angry attorney When you can be present and curious (and not immediately defensive) while listening to an angry attorney, you actually are there for the experience. The benefit of that is it reduces your judgments and you do a…
Read MoreNegotiation over the phone
How does the negotiation over the phone begin? You can gain valuable insight just from the first few words the attorney actually speaks. Nonverbal signals during a negotiation over the phone Suppose the attorney speaks rapidly. He says, “Hi, is this Pat Iyer?” (said rapidly) versus “Hello, is this Pat Iyer?” (said firmly). Those two…
Read MoreHow to Spot Negotiation Triggers
Negotiation triggers put you in a state of mind whereby you can be civil or non-civil. Here are a couple of examples of triggers you can use in a negotiation with an attorney. Interruption as a negotiation trigger I hold the phone to my ear and listen to the attorney rant. One of my triggers…
Read MoreRelationship Marketing
Relationship marketing is based on the simple principle of Know, Like and Trust. Know, Like and Trust takes place when you get to know somebody. A lot of times you get to know attorneys by meeting them face-to-face. That could be at a networking event, a legal conference, or a meeting of local businesses. You…
Read MoreTips for Preparing a Presentation for Attorneys
You are preparing a presentation for attorneys. Have you ever sat in the back of a conference room at an attorney’s annual conference or at a continuing education program? Have you ever talked to attorney about how to simplify a complex case? Trial attorneys put a lot of focus on how can they take a…
Read More4 Tips for Understanding the Trial Attorney
What are the keys for understanding the trial attorney? How can you most effectively connect with your attorney clients? Here are tips from an experienced trial attorney. 1. Recognize why attorneys act like they know everything. They want you to think that they know everything. That’s because they’re in a problem solving profession. People come…
Read MoreWhat Plaintiff Attorneys are Like
Consider what plaintiff attorney Wayne Schoeneberg has to say about what plaintiff attorneys are like. Attorneys are very busy. They just are. Most attorneys that legal nurse consultants are approaching are going to be busy. Generally when they’ve gotten to the level where they’re handling significant cases, they need help from a legal nurse consultant.…
Read MoreMyths About Plaintiff Attorneys
There are a lot of myths about plaintiff attorneys. Right now I’m disgusted with Robin Cook. You may know him as the author of Coma, Fatal Cure, Blindsight, Vital Signs and other medical mysteries. There is a common theme in Robin Cook’s books: people are getting killed, usually in a medical setting. The chief character…
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