Legal nurse consultants and PDFs

computer monitor

Are you effectively using software to create Portable Document Format files when you write legal nurse consultant reports? Legal nurse consultants and PDFs go together for medical record review. Adobe Acrobat is probably the most recognized application for use in viewing PDFs. Another application is eCopy PDF Pro Office. Features available within these applications offer…

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Technology Can Be the Legal Nurse Consultant’s Friend

doctor holding a tablet using technology as the legal nurse consultant's friend

You are a legal nurse consultant who has just received a call from a new attorney client. You’re so excited. The attorney shares the major facts of the case and gives you the due date. He says there are hundreds of pages of records. Can technology be the legal nurse consultant’s friend? While you ask…

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The Way Successful LNCs Think

Pat Iyer

What makes the difference between an LNC who builds a successful business and one who never recovers the investment in time and money for an educational course to become an LNC? It has a lot to do with the way successful LNCs think. You are in control of the results Success is based on your…

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The Girl Who Ate Library Books

When I was nine or ten years old I developed a taste for public library books. I grew up in a nice quiet suburban town, a bedroom community in Bergen County, in North Jersey. My sister and I loved to read. We’d take out 4 or 6 books from the library every two weeks. We…

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Tips for Cold Calls on Attorneys

Are you making cold calls on attorneys? Being Prepared for Objections When You Make Cold Calls on Attorneys One thing I can tell you about objections: if you can’t overcome them, you’ll never close the sale. Here are 3 tips to stay in control so you can get to the next step. Tip 1. Identify…

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Polish Your Legal Nurse Consulting Reports part 3

person with laptop computer

Interested in how to polish your legal nurse consulting reports? Learn how legal nurse consultants write persuasive reports. Polish your legal nurse consulting reports. Carry out these tips to convince your clients you can help them with their cases. Tips to Polish Your Legal Nurse Consulting Reports I always include links to websites in reports.…

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Why use social media for marketing a legal nurse consulting practice?

Why should you use social media for marketing a LNC practice? Stripped apart, the term “social media” has two different pieces you’ll need to understand: the social aspect, and the media aspect. Most people know that the term social refers to interaction with others, including developing relationships and cultivating new connections. The term media, in…

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Polish Your Legal Nurse Consulting Reports part 2

fingers on computer keyboard

Your goal as a legal nurse consultant is to persuade your attorney client – of your analysis, your opinion, or how to present the medical facts. Here are tips for writing persuasive and polished legal nurse consulting reports. See part 1 for more tips and part 3 for the conclusion of this series. Tips for…

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Wrong Wound Care Treatment: Liability

close-up of a senior man looking sad

Wrong wound care treatment liability issues affect many medical malpractice cases. Many wound care clinicians remember the “good old days” when wound dressing product selection simply involved choosing between a handful of products that were essentially variations on the same theme. There was gauze, impregnated gauze and filled gauze pads. In the earlier 20th century,…

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Polish Your Legal Nurse Consulting Reports part 1

keyboard with success key

Highlighting key facts helps you persuade in your report. An articulate and organized legal nurse consultant is better prepared to create a persuasive report for a client. Barbara Boschert from St. Louis, MO shares her tip for creating polished legal nurse consulting reports. Use key points Barbara said: When possible, I keep specific key points…

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