Should you lower your rates? How to deal with price pressure from attorneys
It’s happened to every legal nurse consultant at one time or another—probably more than once. You quote your hourly rates, only to have your potential client respond with, “That sounds great, but I can’t afford it. You charge THAT much? Can you lower your rates for me?” What do you do? Should you lower your…
Read MoreWhat do You Charge? How to Discuss Your Fees
“What do you charge?” the attorney asks. Your attorney clients will ask this question of you when they are getting seriously interested in hiring you. Does the topic of money make your mouth dry and your hands sweat? Do you dread that point in a conversation when the attorney says, “So what do you charge?”…
Read More16 Myths about Entrepreneurs and Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship built America; it is one quality that has made America great. Are you aware of the myths about entrepreneurs? What do these people have in common? Christopher Columbus Benjamin Franklin Henry Ford Thomas Watson Thomas Edison George Eastman Ole Evinrude Nolan Bushnell Buckminster Fuller Dean Kamen Rosalyn Yalow Percy Spencer Jerome Lemelson…
Read MoreWhy LNC Businesses Challenges are a Piece of Cake
Are you up for LNC business challenges? Few activities are as challenging and exhilarating as starting and running your own company. If done correctly, being an entrepreneur can be financially rewarding while giving you job flexibility and job security. And, where is job security today? The best way to predict the future is to create…
Read MoreWhat should you know if you decide to start a business?
Get some basic information first. For example, if you’re thinking about becoming self-employed versus being employed, speak to some other self-employed legal nurse consultants first. Ask them about the upside and the downside of being self-employed. Ask them about things they wish they had known beforehand or perhaps lessons that they have learned because then…
Read MoreDealing with Fear: Tackling LNC Fears
You might think that fear is the legal nurse consultant’s enemy. Fear demoralizes us, right? It stops us in our tracks. Not so. How should you be dealing with fear? Understand that even if we’re in situations that lack fulfillment or the flexible lifestyle we think we want, it is human nature to want to…
Read MoreSocial Networks Legal Nurse Consultants Need to Use
Which social networks do you need to use? I still run into LNCs who are not using social media at all. Without social media you will remain a best kept secret. What can you do as a legal nurse consultant to stand out on social media? These are commonly used social networks and tips for…
Read MoreSocial Media Best Practices: Stand Apart from the Crowd
Social media best practices aren’t always common knowledge. Standing apart from the crowd on social media is important, if you want to become known and successful. You know that the key to getting more attorneys to hire you is whether you are known, liked, and trusted. Social media is the key to getting you there…
Read MoreHow to Elevate Your Legal Nurse Consultant Brand
Are you a Walmart or a Neiman Marcus legal nurse consultant? Either one is a billion dollar company but their models are different. Do attorneys see you as a commodity? Do you get calls from attorneys who are price shopping? If this is happening, how can you elevate your legal nurse consultant brand? If you’re…
Read MoreBeautiful Branding for Legal Nurse Consultants
When you think of branding, what comes to mind? Logos? Colors? That’s what most people think of, so you’re not alone, but there is so much more to branding for legal nurse consultants branding than the colors on your website and your logo—although both of those things are important, of course. Here’s how Entrepreneur Magazine…
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