Do You Need to Continually Learn? Only if You Want to Stay in Business
Your LNC business needs nourishing like plants in a garden. Continually learn new ideas, new approaches, and new methods to create the stimulus to change. You can’t put new ideas into an old mindset. You can’t achieve new results with old behaviors. This is a hard reality of life. Your comfort zone is a danger…
Read MoreClients First: How to Create a Client-Centered LNC Business
During the deep dark days of the Great Recession of 2008 – 2009, just a decade ago, two real estate agents thrived. Their competitors were going out of business, yet they had all the work they could handle. Joseph and JoAnn Callaway share their strategies in The Two Word Miracle: Clients First, a book I…
Read MoreHow to Create Compelling LNC One Sheets
You may be wondering, “What is a one sheet?” A compelling LNC one sheet is a concise marketing tool that you share with attorney prospects. I first heard about one sheets when I began getting involved with the National Speakers Association 10 years ago. Professional speakers use them to get more business. If you are…
Read MoreShred your Excess LNC Baggage
How much excess LNC baggage do you have? What are the hidden costs in your business? Just what is excess baggage? I define it as the paper and other objects that accumulate in our business. Earlier this year I was thinking about excess LNC baggage as I packed suitcases. I asked myself, “What did I…
Read MoreHow to Cut Your Advertising Costs and Get More LNC Business
Does it sound counterintuitive that you should be able to cut your advertising costs and yet get more attorney clients? It did to me, until I took to heart the concept that it costs five times as much to attract a new attorney client than to keep an existing one. Before I really focused on…
Read MoreNegotiating with a Bully
Have you seen the impact of bullying? Have you observed it in your home, workplace, or business? I know I have, in all those locations. Have you been involved in negotiating with a bully? A year ago, a publisher came to my colleague Greg Williams and said, “We want you to write a book about…
Read MoreThe Value of Free: When do you Give Something Away?
An attorney asks you to locate an expert witness for a case. How do you charge for this service – or do you? Do you locate the expert for free? Options for Charging for Expert Witness Location An LNC I’ve been coaching asked me about the fees to charge to locate an expert. We discussed…
Read More3 Ways of Sabotaging an LNC Business
I meet LNCs who are struggling in their businesses. They attribute their struggles to attorneys not being interested in what they have to offer, an over-saturated market, or not having the right connections. Could they be unknowingly sabotaging an LNC business? One LNC told me that the only ones who make it in this field…
Read MoreHow to Build Strong Relationships with Your Clients
One of the ways I keep getting new ideas for my business is to learn from people outside of the legal nurse consulting industry. What did I learn from how professional speakers build strong relationships with meeting planners? The tips really apply to anyone in a service industry who wants to develop stronger relationships with…
Read MoreWhat Kayaking Taught Me about Legal Nurse Consulting
The first time I went kayaking I discovered a Florida that you cannot see from cars. In the process of learning how to kayak, I saw parallels to growing a legal nurse consulting business. Be patient with yourself when you are doing something for the first time In December 2015, Chris taught me how to…
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