Running a webinar: What can go wrong
Many things can go wrong when you are running a webinar. It is important to practice in a very safe environment before trying it in real life. Here are some lessons I learned.
How to avoid mistakes when running a webinar
1. As the moderator, you can lose your internet connection or it may cut in and out for a few seconds, causing your participants to temporarily lose the sound. Let your listeners know that minor blips in the sound are part of running a program over the internet.
2. The presenter may not be able to connect. For this reason, you and the presenter should get onto the program one half hour before it is supposed to start. Have a phone number where you can reach the presenter. I had one very anxious evening when the speaker got on the call 5 minutes before it was to start. She did not have the right sign on link.
3. An attendee may not be able to connect. Give them the number of the hosting company ahead of time to use if there are technical issues. Or have an assistant standing by to help.
4. There may be decreased sound if you are connecting via internet versus phone line. Use a headset with a microphone for the best sound.
5. A cell phone can interfere with the program because it transmits data. Keep the cell phone out of the room when you are running a webinar.
6. The microphone on your computer may create an echo or may pick up background noise. Turn off the microphone and make sure the right microphone is selected when you are running a webinar.
7. Your computer may decide to do a Windows update just when you have everything set up and the update requires a rebooting of the system. Do any updates before you start the program.
8. You may accidentally hit broadcast before you are really ready to begin. Once the broadcast button is hit, there may be no way to undo it. Trust me, I know. Don’t hit broadcast until you are ready for the listeners to hear you.
9. You may forget to hit the record button. Always set up the path for the recording file in advance.
With practice and anticipating problems, your program should be smooth.
This material comes from Secrets of Expanding Your Legal Nurse Consulting Practice. Gain a competitive edge and offer webinars for your clients.