3rd LNC Success (R) Virtual Conference

Conference Replay

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    Day 1

    Crash: Anatomy of a Car Wreck

    By Elliot Kolodny Esq and Allan Levin Esq

    In this fast-moving session, attorneys on opposites sides of the bar share their perspectives as to why THEY should win the case. This session reveals the details of typical personal injury. The attendee will understand the strategies and tactics involved for attorneys litigating a motor vehicle accident case and the decisions involved in determining whether to go to trial or settle.

    What’s your role as an LNC in personal injury cases? These cases are plentiful, and yet many LNCs overlook the chance to prove their value to attorneys. Get tips from this session so that you can be most effective in helping attorneys with personal injury cases.

    Deciphering the Orthopaedic Injuries

    By Dr. Timilehin Wusu

    You’ve heard about the car crash from Elliot Kolodny and Allan Levin. You’ve gotten a pile of medical records. The attorney asks you to summarize the injuries, prepare a chronology, and define the complications.

    What are the common injuries associated with trauma? And how can you help the attorney litigating cases with those injuries?

    Get to look over the shoulder of an orthopaedic surgeon, who will take you through the clinical details of orthopaedic injuries.

    A Life Care Planner’s Role in Personal Injury Cases

    By Cheryl Kaufman BSN RN CLCP CNLCP

    Discover tips from a life care planner, who will present the LNC involvement with personal injury cases. Using the facts of our personal injury case, Cheryl reveals how the life care planner would summarize the records and project future costs for this plaintiff.

    What are the special nuances of personal injury cases?

    Is this a role you’d enjoy? Find out more about the life care planner’s contributions to litigation.

    Pain and Suffering Analysis: Expert Fact Witness

    By Pat Iyer MSN RN LNCC

    Watch the attorney’s eyes light up when you say, “I can summarize the medical records to explain the pain and suffering the patient went through.”

    Using our case study, Pat Iyer reveals how you can analyze the medical records to focus on the symptoms and treatment. She’ll add tips on how to explain this role to attorneys, now allowed in 48 states.

    Watch what our conference attendees think about our conferences!


    Conference Replay

    Only $279 for the entire conference

    Day 2

    Mitigating Federal Sentencing

    By Simon Purnell Esq

    In criminal prosecutions, the answers lie within the medical records, and that's where your expertise comes in. As chronically ill individuals face potential inadequate medical care while sentenced to prison, attorneys are seeking ways to reduce sentences and negotiate for house arrest.

    LNCs play a vital role in developing the defense and mitigating criminal prosecutions, ensuring that justice is served.

    Watch this eye-opening presentation and step into a new realm of legal practice. Your skills are urgently needed.

    Nurses and Covid: Employment Law

    By Robert Heil Esq

    “You have to come to work if you are Covid positive – we can assign you to Covid patients.”

    “This garbage bag is perfectly acceptable as PPE. It is an almost one size fits all.”

    “There is no reason why you can’t work while you are waiting for your Covid test results.”

    “If you report us to the Public Health Department for not having enough PPE, don’t plan on coming to work tomorrow.”

    What are the employment-related challenges of working with Covid patients, and how can you help attorneys as an LNC?

    Taming the Bulldozers and Snipers: Handling Angry Clients

    By Ruth Sirman

    As nurses we are wired to help people and be accommodating. Attorneys are trained to be advocates for their clients and to fight for every last dollar. LNCs and attorneys can clash when it comes to performance and payment.

    Do you know how to handle the aggressive attorney who bulldozes through the conversation, or the sarcastic sniper? Ruth will equip you with the skills and dialogue you need to confidently manage the conflict.

    The conference was interesting and informative. So much information that I’m still absorbing it and looking through my notes

    Linda Waggoner

    The ability to network with others in the breakout rooms was great. The speakers were phenomenal!

    Barbara Gaynor

    All the speakers and planners were highly professional, respectful and engaging. The content was very real and practical.

    Kathryn Sowden

    Day 3

    How to Attract Clients

    By Val Low

    In this presentation, you will discover the importance of a message that resonates with potential clients and a brand that lets you stand out in the marketplace. We’ll also uncover the ways to provide an exceptional customer experience that has your clients keep you top of mind and referring you to others in their circle of influence.

    Opioid Crisis in America and Opioid Overdoses in the Hospital

    By Joe Flores Esq RN NP and Barbara Levin BNS RN ONC CMSRN LNCC

    You’ve read the headlines about the escalating opioid crisis, which is worsening due to social isolation. The opioid crisis that pervades America stems back to two decades ago.

    • What are the civil, criminal, and administrative ramifications of the opioid crisis?
    • What are the damages from drug use?
    • How did pharmaceutical marketing techniques created not only addiction to prescription medication, but also to using heroin leading to death, disability and tragedy.
    • How can LNCs assist with these kinds of cases?

    Virtual Trials: the New Reality

    By Peter Akmajian Esq

    Courthouses are mostly closed. Attorneys are exploring new ways to try cases.

    • Should they present their case virtually or wait for courthouses to open?
    • How do virtual trials affect defendants, plaintiffs, the jury, judge and attorneys?
    • Which defendants get priority for a trial?
    • What does the LNC need to know about virtual depositions and trials?

    You're in great hands with Pat Iyer and Barbara Levin. They are the most experienced LNC conference producers in the world. Pat is the leading provider of LNC business training.

    Conference Replay

    Only $279 for the entire conference