7th LNC Success (R) Virtual Conference

Conference Replay

No crowded roads. No hotel bills, No expensive food bills. No parking. Just pure learning when you invest in this conference. Get your specialized nursing knowledge boost with the sessions in our 7th online conference.

Only $279 for the entire conference

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    Lynda Waggoner

    Lynda Waggoner

    The conference was interesting and informative. So much information that I’m still absorbing it and looking through my notes.

    Day 1

    On Your Mark: Get the Fundamentals to Build Your Business

    Turning the Hot Seat into a Chill Seat

    By Pat Iyer MSN RN LNCC, David Cohen Esq, Certified Civil Trial Attorney, and Elliot Kolodny Esq.

    How comfortable are you on a hot seat? Does the idea of being cross-examined thrill you or give you the shivers? The witness box is a hot seat. How well the nursing expert witness comes across can make or break the attorney’s case. Skillful answers to deposition questions display the expert’s confidence, credibility, and expertise.

    Whether you are an expert, prepare witnesses to be experts, or know you never want to be an expert, you’ll gain from this session.

    In this session, expert witness Pat Iyer and plaintiff attorneys David Cohen and Elliot Kolodny will dive into the strategies used during cross-examination of experts.

    Charles Cullen RN: Tracing the Nurse Killer’s Steps

    By Pat Iyer MSN RN LNCC and Dr. Kathleen Ashton

    You’ve got dead patients and a confessed killer. What does it take to determine which patients Charles Cullen RN killed? The subject of the book The Good Nurse, serial killer Charles Cullen worked in New Jersey and Pennsylvania as a critical care nurse. Patients began dying, in larger numbers and more mysterious circumstances than ever before. Nurses became suspicious and eventually, Charles was caught.

    In this session, you will hear from two nurses involved in this case. Pat Iyer worked with one of the prosecutors to investigate deaths and will share how she went about linking Charles with deaths.

    Kathleen Ashton worked with plaintiff attorneys interested in working on a series of related cases involving the injury or death of patients who had all been cared for Charles Cullen. Thus began her involvement with the patients who had been under the care of one of the most notorious nurse serial killers in New Jersey history.

    A Legal Nurse’s Role with the Board of Nursing

    By Barbara Levin BSN RN ONC CMSRN LNCC and Joe Flores RN Esq

    What you’ll discover in this video session

    • The critical need for LNCs in legal settings, especially in trials and board reviews.
    • A nurse attorney's perspective, stressing the importance of LNCs in providing additional insights to the legal team.
    • How the Board focuses on licensure issues, case reviews, and the role of the board in maintaining standards.
    • Opportunities for LNCs within board structures, including as consultants, expert witnesses, and board members.
    • The critical need for education in nursing practice and licensure, including ongoing learning and staying informed about legal aspects.

    6 Steps to Master Your Magnetic Message

    By Janelle Anderson

    In this dynamic presentation, you will discover:

    • Six strategies to become crystal clear about your specific niche and ideal client and how to know without a doubt what they need and want.
    • How to craft a magnetic message (aka elevator pitch) that speaks directly to the needs of your people and how to leverage the power of storytelling in your messaging so you can connect powerfully with the people you are meant to serve.

    As a result of mastering these six steps, you’ll soon find that you are attracting a steady stream of clients eager to work with you. Your people are looking for you! Help them find you by mastering your niche and pitch!

    Conference Replay

    Only $297 for the entire conference

    Day 2

    Get Set: Get Ready to Soar

    Presenting the Burn Case in a Powerful Way

    By Samuel Davis Esq and Nancy Stuck MSN RN

    Carlos Gomez walked into the electrical closet and unwittingly set off an explosion that resulted in catastrophic burns.

    According to the American Burn Association (ABA) over 400,000 people seek care for burn injuries each year. The injuries and treatment go beyond the physical healing of the patient. Emotional and psychological impacts can be permanently disabling.

    In this session, you’ll discover:

    • How an experienced plaintiff attorney with a passion for representing burned clients marshaled the evidence to create a compelling story
    • Principles of the use of the visual evidence in presenting a case
    • How an expert fact witness/Rule 1006 nursing expert added a huge value to this case
    • The attorney must use visual evidence principles to make the points crucial to proving the case.
    • Powerful demonstrative evidence.
    • Discover the attorney’s perspective in handling the complexities of a severely burned plaintiff.

    The LNC role, as a fact witness in burn cases, has multiple levels. Like a foreign language interpreter, Expert Fact Witness Nancy Stuck translated the records from “medicalese” to a language both the attorney client and a jury would understand. “Translating” the chart tells the story of the patient and explain in detail what he endured; from over 170 procedures to struggles he faced at home with his new reality.

    Deciphering a Nursing Home Record


    The long-term care medical record contains unique forms.

    • Identify what you suggest the attorney request as part of the discovery process with a nursing home record review.
    • Get insights into how each key document type aids in properly framing a case while illuminating areas of exposure or breaches to the standard of care.
    • Discover the federal OBRA Regulations that guide documentation standards in the nursing home environment.
    • Gain the confidence to serve your attorney clients as a consulting or testifying expert by learning tips and tricks to dissect often voluminous records using a methodical streamlined approach.

    Creating Abundant Referrals for LNCs

    By Tiffanie Kellog

    Growing your business by referral is not easy, but it can be SIMPLE if you know the 5 Steps to Referral Success!

    During this program, Tiffanie Kellog will share a simple, easy-to-implement system which includes:

    • Who can be passing you MORE referrals?
    • What you can do right now to make it easier for people to pass you referrals
    • How to develop stronger relationships with the people in your network, inspiring them to send more business your way
    • The best, most effective techniques for requesting referrals


    Watch for the answers to these questions and more during Creating Abundant Referrals for LNCs.

    Power Hour with LNCs

    By Tim Kane, Valerie Lane BSN RN, and Kristina Mew

    In 15-minute rounds, you’ll meet 3 LNCs with unique experiences.

    The ABCS of DMEs

    What are the differences in how LNCs help with various types of defense medical examinations? Do you know the peculiarities of neurological exams, orthopaedic exams, or neuropsychological exams? All DMEs are not created equal.
    Tim will share marketing tips that helped him grow his business.

    The ABC's of Building a Business

    Valerie Lane, a successful legal nurse consultant, discusses how she used her corporate risk experience to move her business forward. She will empower you to be confident of your skills and gain legal nurse opportunities.

    The ABCs of Plastic Surgery Complications

    • The patient calls the surgeon, crying, “My breasts are different sizes! What did you do to me?”
    • The teenager says, “My nose is not what I expected it’d look like. Can I get a redo?”
    • The man says, “I see green fluid seeping out of my dressing on my arm. Is that normal?”

    In this session, Plastic Surgery Nurse and LNC Kris Mew will help you define the normal from the unexpected after plastic surgery.

    Watch what our conference attendees think about our conferences!


    Day 3

    Go! Time to Spread Your Wings!

    How to Overcome the Challenges of Legal Nurse Consulting

    By Christine Dorman, Patty Hedrick, and Irene Nobles

    In this lively panel discussion, we’ll pull back the curtain on the triumphs and challenges of legal nurse consulting. Our LNC Elite members will share their candid answers to Pat’s questions. Get YOUR questions answered in this session.


    You're in great hands with Pat Iyer and Barbara Levin. They are the most experienced LNC conference producers in the world. Pat is the leading provider of LNC business training.

    Conference Replay

    Only $279 for the entire conference