Your Ideal Attorney Clients

How to Connect With Your Ideal Attorney Clients by Speaking Their Language


With Your Ideal Attorney Clients, you’ll learn step by step how to emphasize what makes you unique as an LNC. This process will put you in the enviable position to attract and keep the attorneys who can most benefit from your unique talents.

Is this YOU?

Do the words “sales” and “marketing” make you cringe?

As a legal nurse consultant, do you believe focusing on “sleazy” sales cheapens your intention to provide valuable services for your ideal attorney clients?

Do you say, “I’m not a used car salesperson. I don’t sell refrigerators. Why should I care about a Unique Selling Proposition (USP)?

Here’s why: You don’t sell cars or refrigerators, but like those who do, you have bills to pay. Would you rather cringe and avoid selling and marketing or benefit from loyal attorney clients who send you cases?

Consider these truths about your ideal attorney clients

  • Every attorney has their unique personality, work style, and needs.
  • Every LNC brings unique clinical experience, training, and education to their work.
  • Our personalities, work styles, and needs are also individualized.
  • Your well-worded USP will attract those attorneys whose qualities match yours.

Get Your Ideal Attorney Clients Now!

  • Who is YOUR ideal attorney client?
  • Gain clarity about who you want as a client. Yes, you have a choice, and focusing on your preferences helps you to define the USP that will attract your ideal clients.
  • Learn what your ideal client needs and fears.
  • Define what makes you unique.
  • Design your marketing material to attract your ideal attorney client.

Use the reflection questions at the end of each chapter to hone in on your ideal clients and what makes you unique.
You deserve it!

For $12.97, available as a paperback with free shipping or Digital Download.

About the Author

Pat Iyer MSN RN LNCC applied what she learned in internet marketing and being a member of the National Speakers Association to developing and running a highly successful LNC business. Her use of various methods of marketing resulted in building a multimillion-dollar independent LNC business, and creating a successful coaching business to help LNCs grow their businesses.

Pat Iyer