LNC Involvement in Personal Injury Cases
Cheryl sheds light on the essential involvement of Legal Nurse Consultants (LNCs) in personal injury cases. She illustrates how LNCs play a pivotal role in summarizing medical records and extracting crucial facts to support the plaintiff's case.
Summarizing Records and Projecting Future Costs
You will gain valuable insights into the techniques employed by life care planners to meticulously summarize medical records and project future costs for plaintiffs. Cheryl's expertise in this area provides you with practical strategies to better understand and manage personal injury cases life care planning.
Special Nuances of Personal Injury Cases
Personal injury cases often come with unique challenges and nuances. Cheryl explores these special considerations and discusses how life care planners navigate them effectively. Understanding these nuances is essential for any LNC involved in personal injury litigation.
The Role of a Life Care Planner
Cheryl provides a comprehensive overview of the life care planner's role in litigation. This includes their contributions to building a strong case, collaborating with attorneys, and serving as expert witnesses when necessary.

With over 25 years of nursing experience across various specialties, Cheryl brings a wealth of knowledge to the table as she explores the intricacies of life care planning and its crucial role in litigation.
Meet the Speaker

Cheryl Kaufman, BSN RN CLCP CNLCP, has extensive experience in medical surgical nursing, neonatal care, critical care, neurology, neurosurgery, hematology/oncology, and biotechnology uniquely positions her to offer valuable insights into the world of life care planning. Her ability to assist attorneys in deposition and testify as an expert witness demonstrates her credibility and expertise in the field.