Organize Your LNC Business Day for Maximum Productivity: 5 Tips

organize your LNC business day like this hand is organizing squaresStay focused on what is important to organize your LNC business. Every single day stay focused on what is the most important thing you need to do that day. Is it completing a case? Is it marketing? Is it writing a blog? Most people don’t concentrate on using their most valuable skill every single day. They’re too busy either wasting time or working on minutia that doesn’t give them their big results.

Create a list

If there are skills that aren’t making you money right now, determine which three or four skills are going to make you the most money, and start doing at least one if not all of those every single day. Do something. Maybe it’s a small thing, but you should at least do something for your LNC business every single day.

Play to your strengths

I’ve always been a very good writer. I enjoy writing blogs, crating podcasts, and developing products, I am also ghostwriting 3 books right now. I work on those strengths.

Organize your LNC business day

Now here is the real secret to getting a lot done in a little bit of time.

First things first.

Do the most important thing first thing when you wake up or have time to work on your business. Have it all laid out — focusing on one thing at a time Yes, it’s hard until you get the habit, because it’s so seductive to want to check e-mail or to get on Facebook. Say, “No. I’ve got to get this done.”

Keep it simple

Practice the art of simplicity. Think less, not more. Can you succinctly describe a case to an attorney? Can you get the point across in fewer words? Organize your thoughts to keep the description simple. Attorneys typically shy away from complex cases. Break down each concept into two or three sentences.

Learn to identify critical elements, and work on them. Identify the critical elements in any task, and then just work on those critical elements. There are usually a handful of them. Don’t worry about the pieces that are not part of those big critical elements.

Handle your overwhelm

Develop a strategy to learn how to deal with overwhelm. Whenever I get the feeling of “I’m overwhelmed and ask myself, “What do I need to do next?” I simply stop and say, “How can I reduce this down to something extremely simple that I can think about in just two sentences?” Describe to yourself in two sentences exactly what needs to be done next. That forces you to be simple.

Then once you do that, just take the very first thing and start moving forward with it. Whatever that sentence is, work on that first part of that sentence, second part, all of the sentence, all of both sentences — whatever the case may be.

You can reduce your overwhelmed feeling by just breaking pieces down to their simplest form. Organize your LNC business day and then watch what happens to your business. You will stay focused, get more done, and experience greater success.

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